How Bad is Sugar? Why Sugar is the “White Death”

How Bad is Sugar? Why Sugar is the “White Death”

The White Death: How Bad is Sugar?That is what Arnold Schwarzenegger called highly refined, processed foods way back in the 1970’s when he was in his bodybuilding heyday. White bread, white rice, white pasta, white flour and sugary foods of all kinds are in this...
Start an Exercise Routine that’s Sustainable

Start an Exercise Routine that’s Sustainable

Learning how to start an exercise routine that’s sustainable involves following through with several steps in order to reach your desired fitness goal. Many people’s fitness goals fail due to not following through with them. They either fail to even start...
The Facts About Anorexia Nervosa

The Facts About Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder that centers around a person not eating and having a fear of gaining weight. Attached to this they also have low self-esteem and a negative perception of their body image. A person suffering from anorexia will be chronically...
Relationship Between Cholesterol and Trans Fat

Relationship Between Cholesterol and Trans Fat

These days, we use a lot of catch phrases to describe the food we eat—organic-this, and all-natural that. And we’re more educated then ever about the building blocks of food—carbs, proteins, and fats. Even with this knowledge, many of us continue to overdo fat …...
Fort Collins Restaurants: 5 Tips for Eating Healthy

Fort Collins Restaurants: 5 Tips for Eating Healthy

Fort Collins restaurants offer an array of choices: all-American diners, late-night waffle joints, sophisticated cafes, robust Italian menus, and Asian and Indian fare galore—just to name a few. As a personal trainer, I encourage all of my personal training clients to...