Where do I start with Dennis? Well, in a nutshell, he changed my life.
In March 2016, I took a vacation to my hometown in Florida and found myself crying next to my partner as I looked at photos of us on the beach. I had hit my final breaking point. I was at my highest weight, my lowest self-esteem, and even found myself struggling to catch my breath as I walked up a flight of stairs.
Finding and hiring Dennis as my personal trainer was one of the best things I’ve ever done.
I knew he was committed to helping me reach my goals the first time I met him. Instead of me interviewing him, I noticed that he was interviewing me! He was seeing if I had what it took to commit and invest in myself and the changes I wanted to see. One of the main things that drew me to contact him in the first place was that I had read reviews and testimonials that highlighted his ability to push you to your limits and beyond while still making you laugh through the burn. His humor and personality make it so easy to look forward to working out.
Another big selling point for me is that the workouts are only 30 minutes! And believe me, I got a LOT done in 30 minutes! When I started, I actually had a toe injury that prevented me from doing many movements. This didn’t stop Dennis from tailoring each workout just for me, and despite the injury, I still lost 20 lbs, lost inches and got in the best shape of my life!
I recently made the decision to move back to Florida and had to stop working with Dennis. However, I have truly noticed all of the many ways in which I have benefited from my time with him. This is what I have taken away from my time with Dennis:
- I am more committed to my health and continuing my fitness journey than ever before.
- Creating my own workouts are rather easy for me now where as before I had no idea what to do half the time.
- My strength is 10x more than it used to be. My partner and I unfortunately did not have help moving all of our furniture into our new home, and I found myself being able to easily team lift large reclining couches without injuring or straining myself.
- My self-confidence and faith in myself has increased greatly and I have a better understanding and appreciation of what my own body is capable of, which inspires me even more to continue pushing myself.
- I have healed a lot of my previously persistent complaints such as GI issues, constant fatigue and headaches, and now know what the difference is between feeling sickly and feeling healthy. The list goes on and on.
In the end, if you are invested and committed to changing your life for the better, Dennis will without a doubt help you in reaching your goals.
To me, he wasn’t just a personal trainer, he was a teammate I could rely on, and I can’t thank him enough for all of his support.
Thank you, Dennis!
Jacquelyn Watson
Orlando, Florida (formerly Fort Collins, Colorado)