Well, here we are at the end of what is possibly the most tumultuous year of our lives. We only have two weeks left to put this crazy year behind us and start looking toward a hopefully “normal” year in 2021.
Usually I would be sending you a newsletter about what to do during the holidays to keep you and your health and fitness goals on track. But that seems like a newsletter that won’t be needed this year. The holiday parties, the getting together with large groups of people to eat, drink and be merry hopefully won’t be happening this year. We need to take care of ourselves and our loved ones.
So I want to use my crystal ball and look forward to next year. A lot has changed for me and the business this year because of COVID.
Just like everyone else, I was humming right along and then the world stopped. As I indicated in an earlier newsletter in the spring, I knew I had to pivot and pivot quickly. We didn’t know virtually anything about the virus so we locked ourselves away. Within a few days of the lockdown, I moved all my clients online. There were only three clients that couldn’t continue due to varying reasons. All of my other clients were more than happy to venture into this new frontier, and a few continued meeting in person while we did everything we could to stay safe and healthy.
At first it was great. I was happy to be able to work from home and not do so much traveling. However, after about six weeks of staying home, I started missing the commute to my clients. I started missing meeting my clients in person. If you would have told me last year that I would have missed all the driving around town, I would have told you that you were nuts! But that’s exactly what happened.
Thankfully, spring came and some clients started training outside. I started meeting clients in their front or back yards and met others at local parks. It was good to see them in person again and be outside. Unfortunately, we are now heading into winter and we will be going back to online training again. I have been pushing some clients to continue to train outside even if it’s only 40 degrees and have been met with some resistance. 🙂
Now we head into 2021 and believe it or not, I am excited. If anything came out of the pandemic, it was an eye-opener about how to offer other ways of training clients. Online training has opened up new possibilities. For example, clients that go on vacation or go out of town for work can now be trained online. I would have never thought about that prior to the pandemic. Also, weather is now no longer a factor. If it’s a blizzard outside, I can still train my clients and they won’t have to miss a session!
Another opportunity for the new year is the possibility of starting some online boot camps. I was in negotiations this year to take over the Fort Collins/Loveland market for a national boot camp company that is looking to expand here. However, I decided that what they are doing I could implement on my own. So look out for some info early next year about new boot camps from the safety and comfort of your own home using my proven method of training clients!
Finally, I want to give a shout out to my clients that have been with me for at least two years. Here is that list of clients and how long they will have been with me starting in 2021:
- Sheryl and Besa (14 years)
- Meg (13 years)
- Craig (11 years)
- Valerie (10 years)
- Neil and Laura (4 years)
- Bernadette (3 years)
- John (3 years)
- Lynda (3 years)
- David (2 years)
It has been my absolute honor to continue working with these clients. I am blessed and humbled they continue to put their health and fitness goals in my hands. And I am equally blessed to be working with all the new clients that came on board this year! Also, the clients that Donna is working with have been wonderful as well. I love hearing from them what they are accomplishing, and Donna loves working with them!
I hope you are looking forward to 2021 and putting plans in place to make it the best year ever! Even after everything that has happened this year, we all should be tremendously grateful for the blessings that we have in our lives. If you have managed to stay healthy, that is a blessing. If you still have employment, that is a blessing. If you are surrounded by loved ones and friends, that is a blessing. If anything came out of this year, it was a chance to look at the good that we have in our lives and be grateful.
I sincerely hope that all of you have a wonderful holiday season. I hereby give all of you permission to live it up as best as you can and not worry about being strict with your goals. It’s time to enjoy all that the holidays give us and to live life to the fullest.
Blessings and see you in 2021!