Why should exercise and diet go together? The mantra seems simple enough: Work out consistently, watch what you eat, and the weight will begin to fall away. And yet, people continue to be amazed when their weight remains the same while in the throes of a workout revival. They go to the gym four times a week. They work out for at least one hour on each visit. They have a nice combination of cardio, lifting, and interval training. They even do a core fitness class and throw in some restorative yoga once a week or so. So why hasn’t the arrow on the scale moved? Who or what is the culprit? Diet.
Exercise and Diet for Fitness
Many well-meaning people have become their own worst enemies when it comes to diet and exercise. They can’t figure out why exercise and diet need to go together. No amount of working out can fix bad nutrition. You can workout hard in training, but it’s all for naught if you can’t clean up your dietary and nutritional act. Ironically, many personal trainers lose more than a few clients when they claim, “You aren’t helping me reach my fitness goals.” The sad news is this: no trainer can help a client reach his or her fitness goals if the client continues to self-sabotage by making consistently poor food choices.
Reality TV Shows
A prime (and somewhat infamous) example of why diet and exercise go together can be seen at work on prime-time TV shows like Celebrity Fit Club or The Biggest Loser. Time and time again, we watch contestants sweat it out. They show up for workouts and when they step up to the treadmill, the weight bench, or the mat, they give it their all. Yet, when they step up to the table, we watch as they negate every bit of sweat and tears with high-calorie, empty food choices. Often these foods are their “go-to” comfort foods; for some, it is sweets, for others, it’s high carbs and starches, for still others, comfort means red wine and cheese.
In one example, Nicole Eggert of Baywatch fame appeared incredulous every time she stepped on the scale. “why isn’t the weight coming off?” she wailed. The answer was simple and obvious. Ms. Eggert loved to drink red wine and had a very hard time stopping at just one serving. There are approximately 115 calories in a glass of wine. Have three and your caloric total just skyrocketed to 345. Self-sabotage at work when it comes to diet and exercise.
Moderation in Exercise and Diet
Obviously, diet and exercise are dependent on one another. Workout but don’t eat in moderation = eating great but never working out. Either way, your fitness won’t improve. The two must go hand in hand.