The Male Ego and Male Personal Trainer

Years ago, I wrote a blog about how women have a distorted view of their body. In that blog, I told everyone that 85% of all the clients I have trained in my career have been women: 85%? Why is it so high, you may ask yourself? Why haven’t I had more male clients? Let...
Mea Culpa Personal Training Story

Mea Culpa Personal Training Story

Oh boy…I screwed up a personal training story. I knew when I wrote my 2015 recap a month or so ago that I was going to forget someone. So here is my mea culpa. I forgot to tell you about Leela Hazzah. Leela is the founder of Lion Guardians. Direct from her...
How Exercise Prevents Coronary Heart Disease

How Exercise Prevents Coronary Heart Disease

The coronary arteries are the arteries supplying blood to the heart. Coronary heart disease is literally the blockage of these arteries which inhibits blood flow to the heart. While there are medical reasons why this would happen, it is typically caused by diet and an...
Personal Training Failures

Personal Training Failures

Believe it or not, I have had a few clients that I can classify as a personal training failures. Wait, did you just read that right? I want my personal training clients to fail? Well, yes and no. It’s not as simplistic as it sounds. Typically when a personal...
Abductor & Adductor Machines are a Waste of Time

Abductor & Adductor Machines are a Waste of Time

This is the first in an ongoing series of blog posts about certain exercise machines that aren’t valuable; this article looks into why abductor and adductor machines are a waste of time. So you are probably asking yourself, “What are abductor/adductor...