Compound Exercises and Isolation Exercises

Compound Exercises and Isolation Exercises

For most beginners looking to begin a workout routine, they are faced with the seemingly difficult task of choosing to use compound exercises or isolation exercises. There are many differences between isolation and compound exercises. It is important to realize the...
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Workout Recovery

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Workout Recovery

By Terry Fox, L.Ac, RMT I have to admit that this is my first time guesting on a blog. I am quite honored that Dennis asked me to be a contributor for Core Fitness and Nutrition to write about recovering from workouts with traditional Chinese medicine. For those of...
Working with a Workout Partner

Working with a Workout Partner

As I work with my personal fitness training clients in Fort Collins, I hear things-a lot of things, actually about my clients and their lives. I hear about their kids, their neighbors’ barking dogs, and their work. I also hear them ask about workout partners...