Boot Camps are Coming!

Hello everyone! I am excited to announce that I am going to start a regular boot camp this year at the park! I have been wanting to do a boot camp in the evening for years, but I have always had one-on-one clients in the evening that prevented me from putting one...
How Bad is Sugar? Why Sugar is the “White Death”

How Bad is Sugar? Why Sugar is the “White Death”

The White Death: How Bad is Sugar?That is what Arnold Schwarzenegger called highly refined, processed foods way back in the 1970’s when he was in his bodybuilding heyday. White bread, white rice, white pasta, white flour and sugary foods of all kinds are in this...
This Is What Success Looks Like

This Is What Success Looks Like

When I first started as a personal trainer in 2003, I readily admit I had no clue what I was doing. Sure, I was freshly certified and ready to conquer the world. I had been working out since I was a freshman in high school. I did really well for myself, so I figured I...
This Is What Success Looks Like Part 2

This Is What Success Looks Like Part 2

In the previous post, I detailed to you Jacquelyn’s success story. If you didn’t see that, you can read about her amazing success here. Now it’s time to introduce Lauren and her personal training success story. Lauren is just to your right. Amazing...
Increasing Your Metabolism In Your 40s

Increasing Your Metabolism In Your 40s

Remember your metabolism in your twenties? Do you remember how much energy you had and how it seemed like you could eat anything because of your very high metabolic rate? Do you remember how easy it was to be in better shape and how you could lose weight a little...
How to Overcome a Fitness Plateau

How to Overcome a Fitness Plateau

Anyone who works out regularly has had encounters with reaching a fitness plateau. It is easy to look at the progress made from the beginning stages of working out; results came fast and were easily noticeable. Once your workout has become a regular routine, making...